As a response to the directives in M.S 68.1 the 4th Provincial Chapter of the Province of St. Thomas created a prefecture for youth and Vocation Ministry. The creation of this prefecture has accelerated the ministry among the youth by the members of the Province. In the general transfer one person each assigned in all the communities as youth and Vocation ministry in charge. The activities are coordinated by the Prefect of the youth and Vocation ministry and is delegated to four regional in charges; namely High Ranges, Central Kerala, Wayanad and Malabar Regions

General Objective of the Prefecture is to create a platform to reach out to youth, respond with creativity to their questions, and accompany them with wisdom in their journey, to challenge their decisions prophetically and create a vocation culture though the human, theological, pastoral and spiritual interventions of our pastoral agents of evangelization of the youth.

Specific Objectives :

1. To create Structure and platform to reach out to youth in the province Level.

2. The Preparation of the Youth Evangelizers.

3. The training of qualified cyber-missionaries who can permeate the digital continent with Gospel values as E evangelizers.

4. Claretian Youth Encounters and Claretian Youth Day

5. Seminars and retreats to the youth and school Children.

6. To promote Christian vocation and specifically to Claretain missionary Life

Our Major Activities :

1. Youth Retreats

2. Seminars

3. Value education Classes

4. Teens Ministry

5. Sunday School Retreats and Seminars